Do you like Gym? After a long day at work, you prefer the softness of your sofa to the treadmill? Come on, get moving! Behind the door of the gym, unexpected benefits await you (and a few aches and pains too, yes, but first things first!).
Don’t forget to hydrate, take it easy the first few sessions and be regular, that’s the secret to feeling the effects for good!
Find your soul mate in the Gym
Contrary to popular belief, this noisy and smelly place has some nice surprises for singles. Can’t see the tall, muscular guy at the back of the room? He only has eyes for you! Why meet people at the gym? To meet people who take care of their body; to work out without wasting time; to add an extra motivation.
The Gym: A new social network
The gym could be the ideal place to meet friends and lovers.
It is indeed easy to make friends with people you see regularly and who share the “same problem”.
As it is a mixed place, you can spot good-looking guys and start a conversation in a very natural way.
On the condition that you keep doing your exercises and that you don’t get pushy!Aware of the social aspect of gyms, some fitness clubs do not hesitate to create a social network with its members and to organize private parties.

Real follow-up and better support
Today, in most gyms, some of the employees are trained in coaching.
The sports coach is present to elaborate, if necessary, a program for the members who wish it and to ensure their follow-up.Each member is assigned a coach, who takes the time to analyze his or her physical profile.
Together, they set the objectives to be reached: weight loss, muscle growth, well-being…
Each member obtains a personalized assessment, which is based on his or her abilities and expectations, and receives an adapted sports program, allowing him or her to target the areas of the body to work on.
This program is renewed every month, depending on the progress made. The coach also follows up, supports, congratulates positive developments and encourages further efforts.
The coach manages, and each member gives the best of himself because he knows that he will be accountable, but also because he knows that someone will be there to congratulate him when the objectives are reached.

All gymnastics develop neuromuscular qualities, sense of orientation in space, “reflexes”, and work all the joints.
For young people, gymnastics remains the best educational method for an early and high quality psychomotor development.
Aerobics and trampolining are also good for the cardiovascular system.
General gymnastics practiced by young and old is an excellent method of maintaining physical condition.
To all these physical advantages, we must associate the important benefits on the psychological level (taste of the effort, rigor, sense of the group even if paradoxically gymnastics is not a team sport).

Fighting Disease
If you are concerned about your cardiovascular health or heart disease, going to the gym and exercising can help you fight these diseases. Plus, regardless of your current weight, staying active by exercising increases your good cholesterol.
And that’s not all because exercise helps you reduce unhealthy triglycerides. This keeps your body’s blood flowing smoothly, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Going to the gym makes you happier
If you feel like your life needs an emotional boost, or if you just want to blow off steam after a stressful day at work, going to the gym is the best way to do it.
What happens is that when you exercise, that physical activity stimulates different chemicals in your brain. These chemicals can make you happier, in a better mood, much more relaxed and less anxious.
But that’s not all, going to the gym and doing your exercises can make you feel better about yourself and your appearance. As a result, all this can make you feel better about yourself and boost your confidence.

Reduce and limit back problems
Fitness is one of the best disciplines to prevent and reduce these aches. The more the back is toned and strengthened, the more the spine is maintained.
The same is true for the abdominal muscles, which are very important in the adoption of good posture in everyday life.

To boost your metabolism
The nature of your metabolism determines the amount of calories consumed in a day. Higher your metabolism it means more calories burned. Sport helps to increase the value of your metabolism. The must? HIIIT! With this technique, you even burn calories at rest!
Understand the movements and their usefulness,Move while still enjoying yourself.
All the tools that the Gym sessions will provide you with will enable you, over time, to correct your daily postures and above all to approach the aging of your body with more benevolence.
You will very quickly notice a feeling of lightness, better mobility and better breathing.
Your postures will change. It is others who will notice it.
As with all learning, this may take a little time since it is a matter of “re-educating” your brain and your body in order to install new mechanisms and appropriate better postures.
The brain is more or less reactive depending on the age. But it is important to remember that “it is never too late, but never too early!

To stop smoking
Reduction of stress, management of the state of “withdrawal”, regulation of weight… Many smokers will tell you. Sport is a real ally to stop smoking.
You might meet the love of your life (or not) at the gym
In any case, you’ll meet nice members who share the same #enplucool spirit as you!
You’ll be able to tell your friends that you work out. And that’s COOL!
At Keep Cool, we don’t like to show off. But we must admit that we all like to show off to our friends from time to time… You could even convince them to come with you!