Many of you are hesitating before taking the plunge and hiring a personal trainer, which is perfectly normal.

What a personal trainer and why ?
At some point in life, we have all wanted to start playing some type of sport. Whether it’s an individual or team sport or to work our bodies. There are many training goals that are divided between aesthetic and performance goals.
In order to enter or learn a sport, the ideal is to have a personal trainer. The personal trainer is the person who guides you in all aspects of the sport so that their efforts are focused on the right track.
Working with a personal trainer, the main benefits
Most people who try to join a gym fail. These people are looking for a magic key to achieve their goals in a short period of time.
We can say that the key is to meet the basics of training and nutrition and consistency. This problem is one of the most affecting all beginners. For this reason, these people are the ones most recommended for the advice of a personal trainer.
Among the benefits of hiring them is the increase in motivation that this professional instills in his client.
By developing a training program, the personal trainer encourages you to be able to pursue it consistently and coherently.
Also, once you hire the personal trainer, he or she will make sure to get the best possible results for you. This translates into less time invested in training. Any good personal trainer will strive to improve your technique in the exercises.
You also need to guide yourself in that trainer is looking for you to learn and that in the long run you will not need him.
How do you find the right coach?
Be clear about your goals Start by being clear about your goals (Weight loss? How many pounds? Is it getting back into shape after pregnancy?
The more precise you are, the better you will be able to find the right trainer for your needs. You must be sure that he will be able to accompany you perfectly on this subject, and that you will form a good duo.
A global accompaniment :
Beyond the sports aspect, your trainer accompanies you in a much more global way, since most of the time you will build a relationship of trust with him.
You will surely talk to him about what you do in your life, your work, the course of your weeks, etc., which is quite normal.
This is why the personal trainer is often more than just a coach. He is also there to advise you and accompany you beyond the sport.
His goal is that you feel good and happy in your life, so he will accompany you so that you achieve the desired results. Because physical and mental well-being are completely linked!

He sees what you don’t see
Indeed, by training alone you escape the scrutiny of a professional. The latter will be able to identify problems of posture, imbalance, strong and weak points, etc. This is an invaluable guarantee of quality for effective and safe work.
You get results faster
Which will help you stay motivated. The private trainer offers you exercises adapted to your needs, your body and your health, which makes the physical activity much more effective. And he will know how to push you further, while respecting you.

Advice throughout your process
Taking care of your body is an evolutionary process and for that it is important to receive help and good advice that will help you train correctly.
Better quality of work:
Knowledge: The trainer, through his qualifications, experience and knowledge will be able to plan a quality training program, to lead you to your goals in the best possible way.
Adaptation: Adaptation is going to be very important in a training process. And by hiring a private trainer, you don’t have to ask yourself any questions. He is the one in charge of all the factors that need to be modified to allow you to do quality work at all times.
Time saving:
Notion of appointments: The vast majority of people using a coach are very busy. Having a scheduled appointment for a training session is therefore crucial!
Otherwise, any other occupation will interfere with the scheduled session. With a personal trainer, no more missed sessions!
Organization: Organizing your workout is the key to saving time. Having a private trainer will allow you to stop worrying about this factor and thus preserve this precious time while keeping a quality workout.
If we give you a “45 minute time limit” to do an upper body session and later we compare it to a 45 minute upper body session with one of our coaches.
In your opinion, which of the two sessions is the most profitable and effective? Without a doubt the one done with a sports coach! Having a coach greatly increases the profitability of your workouts.
Goals and results you can reach with a personal trainer:
Improve your physical condition
Toning of your muscles
Gain muscle mass
Recovery from joint injuries
Improvement of your flexibility
Among many others…
Disadvantages of a personal trainer
The personal trainer figure also has some disadvantages. The main one is the price. And that is that hiring this professional involves an additional service to the price you pay for the gym.
Being an unregulated profession, there are personal trainers with rather poor training.
For this reason, it is advisable for those interested in hiring to find out about their training and experience. This way, you are guaranteed to hire a true professional.
One aspect to consider and quite important is that the personal trainer is also able to make a diet for you according to your goal.
If the coach can only advise you in training, he is doing his job half-heartedly. In other words, if you are looking for an increase in muscle mass or a loss of fat, without the guidance of the diet according to your goal, you will not be able to get results.