Often sources of complexes, the hips are an area where fat is often lodged. Some women prefer to get rid of these bulges that bother them. So, how can you refine your figure and lose hips? The best strategies.
To lose hips, the practice of sport is very recommended. For best results, you should exercise at least twice a week. “To reach your objectif (lose hips), it is necessary to practice some several types of exercises. We must alternate cardio exercises (running) and muscle strengthening (squat, oblique gainage, lunges),” says Marine Leleu, sports coach. Each sports session should last at least 20 minutes.
A balanced diet is the key to success. “Contrary to what we may believe, we should not eliminate fats, but choose them better”, explains Anne-Laure Meunier, dietician-nutritionist in Paris, who advises to limit omega 6, present in peanuts, sunflower oil or corn for example, in favor of omega 3, present in walnuts, flaxseed or rapeseed oil. Then, we must limit as much as possible the intake of sugar, salt and alcohol, which promote water retention. For cooking, use olive oil, rich in omega 9.

The “palper-rouler” is very effective in removing cellulite from the hips. It consists of kneading the skin and the subcutaneous tissues to stimulate the elimination of fat and to make the blood circulate. This massage, performed regularly, helps to evacuate toxins, limit water retention and break up dimpled skin. For the massage to be useful, it must be associated with a balanced diet and the practice of sport.

The palpate-roll can also be practiced in an institute, using a machine that works on the principle of suction. And guess who is also an ideal anti-cellulite ally? Cold. The “CoolSculpting”, a device based on the principle of cryo-lipolysis, allows to destroy localized fatty masses by cooling them. A technique that hurts, of course, but that is durably effective and leaves no trace.
For those who like full body suits, there is the Icoone. A real technological breakthrough, this machine stimulates the tissues without attacking them. The skin is firmer after only a few sessions. Finally, for those who prefer gentleness, the Martine de Richeville method combines pure technique with listening. This method supports the idea that fat is localized in specific places, depending on the emotional terrain.
The application of slimming, anti-cellulite or smoothing creams helps to beautify the skin. Their ingredients accelerate the elimination of fat. Applied by massaging the skin, these formulas refine its texture and have a firming effect.

To lose hips, there are certain tools that can make the task easier. For example, the CelluBlue, a small plastic suction cup, can be used as a substitute for the palpating-rolling massage. When used daily on the area to be treated, it effectively removes fat cells.
First results in three weeks! The brush with massage teeth from Santaflor eliminates cellulite by promoting blood circulation. For those who love strong sensations, the Slendertone shorts shape the buttocks and tone the hips by electrostimulation. Finally, the famous Silk’n Silhouette targets cellulite thanks to its LEDs and the heat they diffuse.
If you are unable to lose your hips despite all these methods, cosmetic surgery is a solution. To do this, specialists apply the technique of liposuction. The principle: the surgeons infiltrate a cannula under the skin to suck out the fat that is bothering us.
The procedure takes about 1.5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. “The results are visible after about six months to one year after the operation. Clients are generally satisfied, as long as the quality of the skin is good, i.e., that it has not undergone too many sudden weight changes, and that one has a healthy lifestyle,” says Dr. Boolauck, a plastic surgeon.
Tips for slimming your hips
Losing hips can be quite quick as long as you are diligent about sports and control your diet. But while waiting to find the figure you want, here are some tips to give the illusion of smaller hips. The first things to do is to choos the right clothes is one of .
In fact, it is important to pay attention to certain clothing mistakes that will only accentuate wide hips. During a diet and throughout its duration, it is important to avoid frustration and to treat yourself. Treating yourself to a nice piece of clothing can be enough to keep you motivated to achieve your weight loss goal.
Applying a slimming cream or oil with a caffeine or ivy base on a daily basis can help to regain a firm skin and reduce hip circumference. Modelling sessions using the “palpate and roll” technique can be very effective. Finally, to get rid of the fat on the hips, there are aesthetic medicine solutions, such as liposuction.
Special hip squats
The squat is the ideal exercise to maintain a versatile activity that targets many muscles of the lower body. No need for dumbbells, you can do squats with your body weight alone. To make the exercise more challenging, you can use elastic bands to increase resistance.
How to have a good posture for squats?
Before you begin your squats, remember that when you stand and lower your body weight, it should be on your heels and not on your toes.
To perform this exercise:
For dumbbell or kettlebell squats, you can place your arms in front of you for balance.
Keep your back straight, spine high and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Exhale and stand back up.
Do 10 to 15 repetitions for a good effectiveness of the exercise.
The key to the squat posture: push your buttocks back! It’s like sitting down.
When it comes to losing or stabilizing weight, and losing weight around the hips, a healthy diet plays an essential role. Better than a temporary diet, a balanced diet is THE key to good health and a body in which you feel good.