If you had to eat only one fruit, choose the apple. It adds vitamins, minerals and trace elements to your diet. So What Is The Apple Health Care And What are his Benefits ?

Apple Health Care : The apple, champion of vitamins

The apple allows you to refill your energy. It contains, indeed, various types of vitamins:
Apples are a powerhouse of vitamins, offering a variety of nutrients essential for health. Here’s a breakdown of the key vitamins found in apples:
- Vitamin C: Apples contain an average of 3.3 mg per 100 g, making it the most abundant vitamin in this fruit. Vitamin C is crucial for the immune system, skin health, and collagen production.
- B Vitamins: Apples provide several B vitamins, including:
- B1 (Thiamine): Supports energy production and nerve function.
- B2 (Riboflavin): Important for energy production and skin health.
- B3 (Niacin): Aids in digestion, energy production, and skin health.
- B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Essential for synthesizing coenzyme A, which is involved in fatty acid metabolism.
- B6 (Pyridoxine): Crucial for protein metabolism, cognitive development, and immune function.
- B9 (Folate): Necessary for DNA synthesis and repair, as well as cell division.
- B12 (Cobalamin): Important for nerve tissue health, brain function, and red blood cell production.
- Vitamin E: Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage and supporting skin health.
- Provitamin A (Carotene): Converts to vitamin A in the body, which is essential for vision, immune function, and skin health.
Apple Health Care : A good source of minerals and trace elements
Thirst-quenching, apples contain between 84 and 86 g of water per 100 g. It contains many minerals and trace elements. At the top of the list of minerals is potassium (123 mg/100 g), which has a diuretic effect (promotes the elimination of waste through the urine) and, in combination with vitamin C, provides a good dose of energy to last all day.
Also present in small quantities, other minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and sodium) have various roles: good for bones and teeth, for the activation of hormones, for the fight against cancer…
And many trace elements (zinc, manganese, copper, iron, fluorine, selenium…), present in trace amounts, are essential for the functioning of your cells.
Apple Health Care : The apple, a satiating fruit, ideal for a slimming diet
The apple is low in calories (between 50 and 70 kcal/100 g depending on the variety). It can be eaten regularly and help you control or lose weight if you are on a diet.
Of course, this fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates (10 g/100 g), but they are digested slowly by the body and lastingly calm hunger. Half of the carbohydrates are fructose, 22% are sucrose and 18% are glucose. The other carbohydrates contained in apples are less common: pentosans, hexosans and sorbitol (derived from glucose). They give the apple its sweet taste. The acidic side of the apple comes from the organic acids it contains (0.46 g/100 g). They consist almost entirely of malic acid and a little citric acid (4 to 5% of total organic acids).
Feeling peckish in the morning or afternoon? Don’t hesitate to bite into an apple. Its satiating effect reduces the desire to snack: the pectin it contains absorbs water, increases the volume of the food bowl and slows down gastric emptying by forming a thick gel that absorbs part of the fats to eliminate them and thus moderate their assimilation. As it needs to be well chewed, it stimulates, at the level of the brain, the center of satiety, which participates in its appetite suppressant effect.
As a reminder: by maintaining a balanced weight, we can avoid a large number of diseases related to overweight and obesity, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea.
Apple Health Care : The apple regulates the transit and helps the digestion
Rich in fiber (2.4 g /100 g), apples help the intestines to function properly and prevent transit disorders. Whether you are bothered by constipation or diarrhea, the fibers in apples can help you. Either they absorb excess water in the intestine and thus stimulate the digestion process, or they absorb water from the stool, to slow down the intestine. This benefit can be particularly helpful in cases of irritable bowel syndrome.
Apples contain malic acid, which has a detoxifying effect on the liver. “It would facilitate the evacuation of bile towards the intestine, explains the dietician. Alkaline, it acts on the balance of the pH of the body, beneficial for the bone. And its polyphenols reduce the risks of inflammation.
Apples are good for the heart and reduce bad cholesterol
The soluble fibers found in apples bind to fats in the intestine. Result:
lower “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) thanks to its procyanidins (tannins that have antioxidant properties) and catechin,
healthy arteries,
and a healthy heart.
Eating apples, as advised by the former head of state Jacques Chirac, would reduce the risk of heart problems. It lowers the absorption of lipids thanks to pectin and contains a flavonoid, quercetin, with a hypotensive effect.
How many apples can you eat per day?

There is no limit. You can eat as many apples as you want, within reason…
Is it dangerous to eat too many apples?
Be careful, apples can cause undesirable effects! Despite its many benefits, some people should take precautions:
If you are allergic to birch or ragweed: you can also develop a cross-allergy with apple.
If you are easily bloated: apples are rich in fructose which can cause bloating. It is better not to eat them more than once a day.
Apple Health Care : Do you eat apples with or without the skin?
When well washed, the apple can be eaten with the skin, because it contains a lot of vitamin C. The same applies if you cook them in the oven. However, some of the vitamins will be lost (25 to 30%).
If you prefer to eat the apple without the skin, peel it and cut it into pieces, making sure to remove the core which contains the seeds. You can then eat the fruit alone or add it to a fresh fruit salad (grapes, kiwis, clementines, pineapple…).
In compote, in a pie… apples in all their forms
The apple has the advantage of being combined with many other flavors.
The apple in a sweet version
If you want to keep it sweet, the choice is wide. It can be prepared cooked, in compote (with a hint of cinnamon), in the oven (with or without butter and sugar), pan-fried (with a knob of butter and a little sugar), on a pie (with, optionally, a custard and brown sugar), in a cake… Or raw: in pieces, with cheese or in carpaccio with lemon to prevent it from turning black and orange blossom.