To build up your abs, here is a circuit of five exercises, which you can perform in any order you wish. So to make six pack exercise at home ?
For beginners:
Duration of effort = recovery time (30 seconds = 30 seconds). This gives:
- 1 exercise of 30 seconds
- 30 seconds of recovery between each exercise
- 1 minute recovery between each circuit
Note that the recovery time must not be longer than the duration of the effort, otherwise the exercise will not be effective.
For the advanced :
- Sequence of 5 exercises without recovery
- Recovery of 30 seconds to 1 minute before moving on to the next circuit
1. Classic” abs :
On your back, legs bent, feet firmly on the ground, looking up at the sky, raise your chest without pulling on your neck, hands crossed over your chest or placed behind your head.
Make rises until the knees.
2. Scissors :
On the back, arms positioned along the body, legs stretched and raised.
Bring up one leg, then the other, and alternate without ever touching the ground.
3. Crunch with the legs in square :

On your back, arms crossed over your torso, looking up to the sky, raise then lower your upper body without ever touching the ground or moving your legs (they must remain squared).
4. Lateral :
On the side, the body must be aligned (legs in the prolongation of the head and the trunk).
Raise both legs as high as possible, keeping feet and legs together, then lower them. Do not descend too suddenly.
Tip: to check that you are working well, put your hand on your hip and if it contracts, it’s ok! If not, it is better to start again.
5. Leg Lifts :
On your back, arms by your sides, keep your back on the ground and your legs straight.
Alternate raising and lowering your legs without touching the ground.
Tip: in order not to dig your back, you can hold on to something anchored to the ground. The goal is that you can no longer put your hand between the ground and your back.