The saying “you are what you eat” profoundly reflects our health and well-being. Diets rich in chemicals and artificial additives can lead to a range of health problems, including affecting body odor and breath. Recent studies reveal that a high intake of red meats, among other foods, can exacerbate these issues.
Essentially, what you consume directly influences how you smell. Explore practical strategies and dietary adjustments to effectively combat body odor and enhance your overall freshness.

How To Naturally Reduce Body Odor ?
Now, let’s get to how a few very small diet tweaks can have you smelling your best from head to toe. I’ll share some super simple ideas that can help reduce body odor from the inside out. Be amazed at how much better you will smell and feel when you make just a few adjustments to your daily menu. No drastic change of diet is called for, just a couple of easy food replacements and inclusions that work wonders. Sound terrific? Now, to brass tacks! By just making a few intelligent food choices, you can nip body odor in its buds naturally and healthily. Now, say bye to those embarrassing odors and hello to confidence and freshness!

Reduce Body Odor From the Inside Out by Avoiding These Foods:
Red Meat:
Researchers collected questionnaires from 500,000 people, including both men and women detailing diet, and other habits. Results showed that the natural body odors emitted by male non-meat eaters were “significantly more attractive, more pleasant and less intense.”
Alcohol and Caffeine:
Coffee, tea, and soda habits can result in excessive perspiration. Large doses of caffeine may produce a number of side effects, while keeping your consumption between 200 and 300 mg daily, consuming more than 500 mg a day can increase side effects, including headaches, lack of energy, and excessive sweating.

Processed Foods:
Foods that are high in salt, sugar, and hydrogenated oils can irritate the stomach and cause body odor. Large quantities of processed foods put your liver in overtime trying to eliminate the toxins in these foods from your body. This can become a body odor problem, starting with your digestive system.
Depending on your genes, there’s one weird responsible of body odor: fish. In very rare cases, our body breaks down a seafood by-product called choline into a fishy-smelling chemical called trimethylamine. This stuff courses through your body and is then exhaled through your breathing and excreted through your skin.
But people with the condition known as trimethylaminuria tend to have a fishy odour from other foods, too-beans, broccoli, cauliflower, nuts and soy products, among others. But this ultra-rare condition affects only a few hundred people, and most of us can eat fish with abandon.

If asparagus is part of your daily intake of vegetables, you could have observed what it does to your urine. As the asparagusic acid contained in asparagus gets digested in your body, it will get metabolized into sulfuric acid. This turns your urine to a strong sulfuric scent. Since everyone is different with food metabolizing, not all people will experience this. Moreover, there are cases where genetic variations can short-circuit the process by which you detect that odour in the first place-so if you don’t smell it, don’t sweat it.
Curry, cumin, and fenugreek are some of the spices that hit with a wallop when latched onto your tongue and teeth. These spices linger on in your breath for hours and continue sticking to your hair, skin, and clothes. These spices also contain volatile compounds absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted by sweat glands, leading to odors.
Get Rid Of Body Odor With A Plant Based Diet:
Plant-based diets are high in chlorophyll and other phytonutrients that help clean and deodorize your body. Following are some of the foods that can even tone down strong body odors:
Parsley This is a superfood blood purifier, and while it is mainly used as a garnish in most American cuisine, this herb has incredible healing and purifying abilities. Parsley offers large amounts of chlorophyll that give it the dark green color. This compound helps in alkalizing your body and purify blood while helping your body produce new red blood cells.
Celery is a popular diuretic, thus helping fight odor since it fights the toxins inside of one’s body. Not only that, but it also has the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in it.
The crunchy veggie stimulates the liver, acting as a digestive aid to help flush out the toxins from the body that help body odor.
Aromatic Herbs These are herbs such as sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, cilantro, lavender, mint, and many others that have their ancient use both in the culinary and medicinal fields.
This group of herbs obtain their great aromas from essential oils contained within them. These great fragrances infuse into any food one prepares, and the therapeutic benefits carry through with the scent emanating from the body.
Limes are those citrus fruits which boast a wide range of health benefits thanks to their high antioxidant capacity. The other beneficial aspect of lime juice is that it lessens body odors.
Its disinfectant and antibiotic effects naturally wipe out body odor.
Hydrate! It is very necessary to drink plenty of water to flush out all the toxins, hence reducing the body odor. Once you are hydrated, your body will be able to eliminate the waste quickly without fail. Something which is in the process may support a good smell. At least eight glasses of water each day can help one feel freshened up and detoxified.
Generally speaking, fruits and vegetables will contribute to reduce body odor. Some take strict diets consisting only of fruits, vegetables, and legumes. One such example is the “Fruitarian Diet”.
To understand how the fruitarian diet can help someone reduce body odor from the inside out, watch this short video below: