Exercising can be very beneficial to you as you prepare for the arrival of your baby. Here is some information to exercise during pregnancy and help you decide what sport to play, who can support you and what can happen when your body changes.
1-Benefits of sports and exercise during pregnancy
If you are healthy and your pregnancy is not complicated, exercising can help you stay in shape, even avoid excessive weight gain and feel better mentally.
It can also help you have a shorter delivery and fewer complications. Regular exercise also reduces your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.
But during your pregnancy, you’ll need to be more careful and avoid certain types of sports.
Why should I be more careful?
Although physical activity during pregnancy is safe and good for you, some sports can be dangerous for you or your baby. Even in sports that are not risky, you may need to make some changes.
It is important to tell your maternity team about any sports you play so they can support you.

Certain medical conditions that may prevent you from participating in sports. Your maternity team may want to monitor your sport or advise you against participating if you :
-Have heart, lung or liver problems;
-Have poorly controlled diabetes;
-Have bone or joint problems;
-Have an infectious disease;
-Are obese or underweight;
-Have problems related to your pregnancy or a previous pregnancy;
-Are anemic;
-Have a multiple birth (for example, twins or triplets).
When exercising, you should stop and consult your doctor immediately if:
-You have chest pain;
-Your heart rate is higher than usual;
-You have unusual shortness of breath;
-Your baby’s movements have decreased;
-You have contractions;
-You have vaginal leakage or discharge;
-Sudden swelling of your ankles, hands or face;
-You have pain, swelling or redness in your calves;
-You have muscle weakness;
-You feel dizzy or faint.
2-Sport and your fitness level
If you are not active and are starting a sport, it is a good idea to choose one that requires the least amount of effort.
You can start with 15 minutes per session, then increase to 30 minutes of moderate intensity.
If you have been inactive, it is also advisable to consult your doctor before starting to exercise during your pregnancy.

If you are already active, healthy and your pregnancy is uncomplicated, you can continue to play sports, unless it is a sport you should avoid during pregnancy.
However, this is not the time to set new personal bests. It’s important to stay comfortable and warm up before and cool down after your activity.
3-Exercise during pregnancy to avoid
You shouldn’t play the kind of sports that :
-Make you work very hard or get too hot ;
-Could cause you to fall;
-Could hit your baby;
-Involve a lot of jumping or bouncing;
-Involve sudden changes in direction;
-Involve diving or high altitude;
4-Sport and stages of pregnancy
You may need to make some changes as your pregnancy progresses.
First trimester (1 to 12 weeks)
During this time, try not to overheat to protect yourself and your baby.
Avoid playing sports in high heat or humidity.
Wear loose, cool clothing.
Drink plenty of water.
Second and third trimesters (13-40 weeks)
During this time, the baby is moving upward and is not protected by your pelvis.
So avoid high-impact sports that could hit him. Your own weight is also shifting forward, which increases the risk of falling. If you feel unsteady or uncomfortable, stop what you are doing.
When you are pregnant at this stage, your ligaments become loose, increasing the risk of ligament injuries.
Avoid sports that involve heavy lifting or sudden movements and changes in direction, such as court sports like tennis.
Your blood pressure may decrease, so move more slowly to avoid getting dizzy when changing postures (for example, from sitting to standing).
After 16 weeks, avoid activities that involve lying on your back, as this affects the baby’s blood supply and can make you dizzy.
5-What sport is recommended during pregnancy?
It is a good idea to engage in lower risk activities that:
-Are non-contact or with limited contact ;
-Support your weight, such as swimming and aquatics classes, but try to avoid being in water above 32 degrees Celsius for very long;
-Allow you to exercise in a straight line rather than suddenly changing position;
-Have a limited chance of causing you to fall;
-Allow you to exercise at a low to moderate intensity;
-Are designed specifically for pregnancy.
If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or midwife which sports and exercises are safe for you or your baby.