A question that often comes up among bodybuilders is What Are The Best Pre Workout Food For Muscle Gain ? Indeed, everyone is looking for the perfect meal or snack to consume before a session to have maximum energy.
Nutrition is therefore very important in the practice of a sporting activity since it is considered the fuel of the body and muscles. Therefore, it can be interesting to have a snack around a training session as before and/or after to meet the needs of the body. This can improve energy and sports performance while having less fatigue to sustain the effort. In this article, we will therefore look at the macronutrients in our diet to determine what we can eat before a weight training session.
Why eat before a weight training session?

Some weight trainers like to eat before a workout to perform and have more energy, while avoiding an empty stomach. During a strength training session, your body and muscles draw on your fuel reserves in order to deliver an intense and sustained effort. These reserves are generally your glycogen stock made up of carbohydrates and sugars that are depleted as the session progresses. When the reserves are depleted, the body will naturally draw on the muscle reserves and therefore the proteins, which can cause muscle catabolism, which is clearly not the desired goal.

- Meat: lean beef, horse, game, chicken, turkey, veal
- Eggs: preferably organic, for their high omega-3 content
- Fish: cod, hake, halibut, salmon, tuna
- Low glycemic index carbohydrates: quinoa, oats, spelt, sweet potatoes, brown rice
- Oilseeds: almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios
- Butters: almond butter, cashew butter, sesame butter, peanut butter
- Oils: virgin olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, hazelnut oil, rapeseed oil
- Always have the essentials in your cupboards and refrigerator. Don’t wait until the last minute to go shopping.
- Drink at least 3 liters of water a day, including all liquids, and limit yourself to one glass of water per meal.
- Once you’re in front of your plate, eat your protein first. Carbohydrates should be eaten last.
- Don’t neglect your social life, give yourself a night out with friends or at a restaurant once or twice a week. This will help you stay on track, keeping frustration to a minimum.
- Take the time to chew your food. Ideally, your meal should last no less than 20 minutes.
- Never force yourself to eat a food you don’t like. If you don’t like chicken, don’t force yourself to eat it. Eating reluctantly disrupts digestion and slows down protein synthesis.